Jack : Birth Photographers Oklahoma

We havent blogged a birth in quite some time! Oh my goodness! Honestly we had to take a break last year and didnt get half as much blogged as we wanted to but we have been trying to catch up the last few weeks before the busyness of wedding season takes over!

Do you know what your husbands face looked like when he saw your babies for the first time? Do you remember how you felt? Do you know what I would give for this? Just about anything. Births are intimate, raw, real, emotional, scary and honest. And to be in the room when this beautiful moment takes place is one that we hold in such high regard. Even after photographing around 60 births between the three of us- it is still exhilarating and emotional EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

I photographed Kim and Gerrons engagement, bridal, and wedding day back in 2008 (man I am old). I witnessed the tears streaming down Kims face when she sat with Gerron to pray before the ceremony and Gerrons tears when he saw his bride for the first time. I watched Kims dad kiss her on the cheek before she walked down the aisle, and saw it again when he walked into the room to meet his newest grandbaby. These are the moments that I live for folks. The beauty in the stories. Sweet Smith family… the gift of continually documenting your families big moments is such a treasure to me! I love you guys!

Note for clients : We love shooting births… they are so real and beautiful… but difficult at the same time to be on call and have to drop everything you have going to get to the hospital on time. We have decided to only be on call for one birth per month. Luckily there are three of us so it makes it a bit easier to have three people on call when a client goes in to labor but it is still difficult since they can happen at often unplanned times. If you are looking for someone to photograph your birth and we are booked up for the month we have several photographer friends who we can refer you to. We think the moments before, during, and after your children are born are just as important as your wedding day. The truth and emotion are a treasure that every parent deserves to have documented!





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We have permission to post Kims birth slideshow (each client can choose whether or not to share or keep it private) HERE. You will need to view it from an actual computer as it is flash based.




1414 24th AVE SW NORMAN, OK 73072

(405) 310-8945


Oklahoma Wedding and Portrait Photographers