Our new brand

Thank you for your patience as the website has been down for a few weeks. The last six months have been a looooong process of rebranding. We decided late summer it was time for a change and man was it?!?! We have had our old logo for 7 years! When I first hired someone to do my logo I had this business all by myself and now SO much has changed. I have read many many times that when you have successfully had brand recognition you should stay with it so that clients see your brand and it feels comfortable. safe. known. I knew we needed a change but there were also pieces of our brand that I didnt want to change that much. Namely the colors and our style. I knew I wanted our logo hand lettered but not super girly. We are rough around the edges too so hand lettering fit us perfectly. BIG THANKS to Molly Perkins from PURSUE for all the pretty lettering she has done for us! I was so glad to use one of my past brides instead of hiring a stranger.

Its funny when you go thru a rebrand you have to rethink EVERYTHING. Who are you? Why do you do this? What fires you up? What do you want people to know? How is your brand portrayed? What inspires us? What is our style? It is even more difficult to do as a team. When it was just me I could make decisions on my own that didnt affect anyone but me. As my business has grown and now includes quite a few other humans, I have to take them into consideration at every turn. What do we as a team want to portray? Why do we do this? Who are we? Its been a good time to re-evaulate all of our systems and ask ourselves ‘do they work for us? do they work for our clients? how can we streamline and improve? I am so excited about all of the changes that we have made.

When the idea of a rebrand started happening everything needed to be rethought. I guess it all started with our proofing site. We have been with Pictage since the very beginning… back in 2007. We have stuck with them thru thick and thin but it was time for a change. The industry has changed so much since I first started shooting and we needed our proofing site to reflect that. We are excited to be offering high resolution downloads directly from the client gallery. There will be no more dvds or usb drives- you can directly download them from your own gallery. SO MUCH easier/quicker/more efficient! We will no longer be making slideshows. They are a thing of the past and have cost us considerable amounts of time for little to no return. We will continue to outsource our editing. Professional editing companies can do it way faster and better than we can and it gives us way more time with our families. Client gifts will become a priority… we have always had various seasons of being really great at sending client gifts at different times but we are making this a MUST… to continue to show clients how much we appreciate them. Even our equipment has changed… My main camera body of 5 WHOLE years finally gave out. I should have given it a standing ovation because my main camera body has photographed an obscene amount of images.

As I have grown in my business (and as a person) I have learned a LOT. Mainly that I know what my style is, how much work I can take on and still be a great mom and wife, and most importantly I have become quieter. When you read about branding your business SO MUCH of it is about standing out by branding yourself. Showing who YOU are and why YOU do the things you do. But honestly I do not think it is always necessary. It isnt for us anyway. As we have gotten “quieter” meaning not posting on fb every second and not humble bragging about this or that- our business has grown exponentially. I always thought in the beginning of my business that you had to “hustle” all.the.time to get things done and to continue to remind clients that we are here waiting to photograph their moments. I have learned that its really about trust. I trust that if God wants us to continue doing photography, He will provide the clients for us to do so. When he stops- we stop. It is that simple.

SO here she is a facelift for our little business. A new brand, website, client experience and lots of other things! We are excited for the change and hope you like it too!




1414 24th AVE SW NORMAN, OK 73072

(405) 310-8945


Oklahoma Wedding and Portrait Photographers